African cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Known for it's compressed body. Feeds on small fish in narrow spaces between rocks.
Category: Cichlids
Global Region: Africa
Distribution: Lake Tanganyika
Collection Point: Livua
Genetic Line: Wild Caught
Line Traits: black
Year Acquired: 2023
Acquired a trio of wild caught fish ~3" in size from Blue Chip Aquatics. Smallest was a female. Two larger males did not get along very well. After a pair bond was established I rarely saw the lone male. No fighting just didn't come out much except to feed. Moved him to another tank and he established himself as the tank boss. The established pair have spawned many times. Breeding pair kept with a small breeding group of N. similis shell dwellers which works well. Both species spawn regularly but of course the similis fry are targeted by the calvus.
Species Spawned: Yes
Good parents. Both male and female will attack anything that approaches their 'calvus cave'. Usually easy to see a spawn has occurred, or is near, by the increased aggression and cave guarding by both parents. Young fry move out of the cave when another spawn is pending, and can be quite aggressive toward other tankmates. I had one young fish drive an adult pair of N. similis shell dwellers out of their territory. It was a Wild Kingdom moment! Removed the growing fry and things returned to normal. Great fish. Reliable spawners.
Have Reared Fry? Yes
Can be challenging to separate from parents. Easiest way to do it is pull the 'calvus cave' with eggs or wrigglers before they become free swimming. Otherwise they're very small and all over the tank almost invisible on the bottom until they move. At times I have had to remove the parents and rear the fry until big enough to readily net. Easily raised on BBS.
Young fish available? Yes