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Betta rubra

Aquarist: jax

Species: Betta rubra


rubra: from the Latin ruber, meaning ‘red’. Known only from northwestern Sumatra, Indonesia with definitive records existing from the Singkil area in Aceh province and around Sibolga in North Sumatra (Sumatera Utara) province. Type locality is given by Perugia as ‘Lago Toba, Siboga’, with the latter an alternative or misspelling of ‘Sibolga’, although it’s not thought to inhabit the lake itself which lies at an altitude of around 900 m AMSL. Other former localities for B. rubra are currently considered to refer to the closely-related B. dennisyongi and it’s unclear if the two occur together naturally in some locations due to human interference (Tan, 2013). Max length: 30 – 42 mm. Temperature: 22 – 27 °C pH: 5.0 – 6.5 Hardness: 18 – 90 ppm

Category:   Anabatids (Gouramis, Bettas)

Global Region:   Southeast Asia

Distribution:   None

CARES Status:   Endangered


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2024

Species Spawned:   Yes

Have Reared Fry?   Yes