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Herichthys Carpintis ‘Escondido’

Aquarist: OhioZooKeeper

Species: Herichthys Carpintis

Alternate Name:   Lowland cichlid, pearlscale cichlid

Common Name:   Blue Carpintis cichlid


Pearlscale Cichlid is an extremely attractive fish, showing some gorgeous bluey green hues and reflective flecks on their flanks. They aren’t difficult to look after or breed, but be careful when choosing tankmates.

Category:   Cichlids

Global Region:   Central America

Distribution:   Escondido


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2024

I will update with new photos once these guys settle in as they were taken not too long after being put in the tank. The LFS I purchased them from believes they are a pair, so we’ll see what happens!