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Julidochromis dickfeldi

Aquarist: swells

Species: Julidochromis dickfeldi


Elongated cichlid with a torpedo shape. Brown/black striping like most Julidochromis cichlids. From Cichlidae.com: The nose is more pointed, there is a blue sheen over the body, and a distinct pattern in the dorsal and caudal fins. Size: males 4" (10 cm) females 3" (7 cm).

Category:   Cichlids

Global Region:   Africa

Distribution:   From Cichlidae.com: Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, and only found in the South West part of the lake, between Kapampa and Ndole (Konings, 1998).


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2020

Among the Julidochromis genus, this species is one of the easiest to keep in my experience. It isn't a very demanding species and will happily reside with other species provided it has enough room, especially if you have a spawning pair.

Species Spawned:   Yes

I've bred this species many times. In fact, I have two very prolific breeding pairs right now. Just give them a nice cave or rock structure and they'll do the rest.

Have Reared Fry?   Yes

Dickfeldi fry are pretty hardy and will take nearly any variety of food small enough for them. Fry will stay near the spawning site. They will hug any type of structure until they're about 1/2" or so, at which point they will begin venturing out. At this point, they're juveniles. Parents will tolerate multiple broods but will slow or stop spawning at some saturation point. I have successfully kept as many as six broods in a 20g long.