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Synodontis grandiops

Aquarist: fish608@gmail.com

Species: Synodontis grandiops


Catfish endemic to Lake Tanganyika.

Category:   Catfish

Global Region:   Africa

Distribution:   Lake Tanganyika


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2018

Original group collected as fry from the display tank at Sandy's Petshop in Louisville kentucky. Not sure where the breeders came from. Fish were identified based on number of pectoral fin rays and proportions of the eyes.

Species Spawned:   Yes

Brood parasite of Haplochromine cichlids. Original group collected as fry from a holding Pseudotropheus acei. Under my car they have spawned with P. acei, F. rostratus and Aulonocara sp.

Have Reared Fry?   Yes

Fry start large for Symodontis and grow fast on meaty frozen foods