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Yssichromis perrieri

Aquarist: mike_cichlid

Species: Yssichromis perrieri


An endangered cichlid species native to Lake Victoria.

Category:   Cichlids

Global Region:   Africa

Distribution:   Lake Victoria

CARES Status:   Endangered


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2013

I acquired a group of juveniles in 2013 and have been keeping and breeding this species since then.

Species Spawned:   Yes

They seem to spawn in typical haplochromine fashion behind rock piles where the male digs a shallow pit and attracts a female to lay eggs in the excavated pit.

Have Reared Fry?   Yes

This species is hardy and fry are not difficult to raise on prepared fine powder foods, crushed krill, etc. I believe they are an insectivore and will enjoy bug bites, bug pro, etc. when they are large enough to take the pellets. You can grind up the pellets for fry in a mortar.