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Stomatepia mariae

Aquarist: OhioZooKeeper

Species: Stomatepia mariae

Common Name:   Nsess


Cichlid endemic only found in Lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon where it is threatened both by human activities and CO2 from the lake's bottom. Maternal mouthbrooder. Omnivore that has been recorded stealing prey from crabs. Max length 12cm (4.7 in)

Category:   Cichlids

Global Region:   Africa

Distribution:   Lake Barombi Mbo

CARES Status:   Critically Endangered


Aquarist Notes

Genetic Line:   Wild Caught

Year Acquired:   2024

Fish received from a friend who had them imported.

Species Spawned:   Yes

Currently holding. Gill plates show red normally but get more vibrant in mating dress. Female turns very dark gray and male turns black on bottom in mating dress.