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Betta antuta

Aquarist: BTown_blackwater

Species: Betta antuta


A mouthbrooding betta with large colorful scales on the head. May be kept in groups. Males carry the eggs.

Category:   Anabatids (Gouramis, Bettas)

Global Region:   Southeast Asia

Distribution:   Indonesia


Aquarist Notes

Collection Point:   "LB" (Long beluah)

Genetic Line:   Aquarium Strain

Year Acquired:   2023

This is a gorgeous, intelligent and easy to keep species of wild betta from the Unimaculata complex. Very tolerant to different water chemistry.

Species Spawned:   Yes

Spawn in a 10 gal tank. pH does not seem to be important. Spawned at pH 5.5 to 7. They have a typical spawning embrace but I have not observed egg passing from the female, the male picks up the eggs after each embrace.

Have Reared Fry?   Yes

Very easy, the male holds for two to three weeks and by the time he spits the fry they are able to eat baby brine shrimp. For largest fry survival rates remove the male after he spits the fry.

Young fish available?   Yes