A very popular and highly variable 'Julie' endemic to northern Lake Tanganyika, inhabiting rocky shorelines. These are smaller fish rarely exceeding ~4" in length.
Category: Cichlids
Global Region: Africa
Distribution: Lake Tanganyika
Collection Point: Bemba
Genetic Line: FX 3rd or more Generation
Year Acquired: 2023
Acquired a young group from BlueChipAquatics in March 2023. Kept them in a 33g long tank until a pair formed. Currently the adult pair are in a 60g breeder 4' tank with similarly sized N. longior which has been a bit of a testy mix. The transcriptus are feisty parents.
Species Spawned: Yes
Enjoying the classic Julidochromis extended family with juveniles growing up with the parents and younger siblings. For now I'm leaving them with the N. longior which are likely eating some of the young fry.
Have Reared Fry? Yes
Easily raised on BBS.
Young fish available? Yes